Report Breastfeeding Discrimination

This form will collect the information we need to determine how best to support a mother who has experienced discrimination due to breastfeeding.

FirstRight uses the information you provide on discrimination reports to compile a database of incidents across the US. The purpose of this database is to gain an understanding of where and how often breastfeeding discrimination occurs. Certain information in our database, such as the month and year of the incident, city and state, and type of facility where the incident took place may be made available to persons who are interested in promoting or reporting on breastfeeding rights. You may indicate that you do not want any of the information relating to your incident to be shared. Unless we have your express permission, we will not share your name, address, phone number, email address, or any of the personal information of your indicated witnesses. If there are other specifics you’d like us to keep confidential, please let us know. We want you to feel safe and comfortable sharing your story with us.


e.g. Anywhere Town Library, Here and Now Hot Dogs, ABZ Preschool

Name of person who instigated the incident



Name, phone number, address, email



e.g. Manager’s name, Employees names, etc.

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